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October 9 2012 2 09 /10 /October /2012 07:30
French Department :
74 - Haute Savoie

listen this music's Brams to visit

The castle :

Situation :

    Duingt is a small city located at 12km in the South of Annecy and at 30km in the North-East of Albertville.

(Where is it ?)



Description of the castle :

     On the lake, near the road,  a curious "building" is in front of me. What is it ?

  Normally, it is a medieval castle on a island. This construction has 2 names :

  • 1 - "Châteauvieux", (that mean Old Castle) because the lord had built a new castle a few years after.
  • 2 - "Château Ruphy", name of the owner : Baron on 19th century.

    To discover this construction, i was obliged to walk in a small path and i was surprise to see a beautiful castle.  It seem to be small but around there are 3 curtains to protect the "house of lord". There are not height now, but imagine them 500 years ago.

    Have you seen the big rounded keep with the crenelation ?



          This castle is private. It is not possible to visit inside.




History of the castle:
  1. At the 11th century, a fortification seems built on an island.
  2. About 1670, an old text attribute the castle with Marie-Jeanne Cambric, wife of the Duke of Savoy Charles-Emmanuel II.
  3. In 1839, the Baron Cypion Ruphy buys the castle. Very many modifications are carried out, giving the current aspect.
  4. In 1988, the site is registered in the Database of Historic buildings.
  5. At the 20th century, by marriage the family of Count of Certeau becomes the new owner.
  6. At the 21st century, it is impossible to visit the castle.

  To contents of department 74
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ur photos are amazing tes photos sont jolies
<br /> Thank you. But, my ruined castle are like a princess, they are so lovely that it is easy to take a picture.... There are like stars ! ! !<br /> <br /> <br />